Isabella Rossellini’s – Green Porno

Isabella Rossellini’s – Green Porno

Green Porno? What is the first thing that pops in your mind? How can something like Porno be described as Green? What is a Green Porno? 

I am not sure when or what I was doing at the time, but I do remember that I was watching YouTube and I decided to search an actress, Isabella Rossellini. I remembered her Continue reading “Isabella Rossellini’s – Green Porno”

New Artist Inspiration: Björk Releases New Single “Blissing Me”

New Artist Inspiration: Björk Releases New Single “Blissing Me”

Björk will be releasing a new album Utopia this November 24th. She has released two singles “The Gate” and “Blissing me”

Björk’s latest single released yesterday. Of course, I impulsively dropped what I was doing and clicked the youtube video. At the first ten words, she said I paused the video and threw my phone. She forever will be indescribably beautiful. The lyrics along with what I believe to a harp just filled my insides with this new kind of beauty that I have not yet been able to see and feel since probably her Vespertine album. Of course, I have seen her musical beauty in Biophilia and Vulnicura, however, this beauty that I am talking about is something so pure and innocent. Almost eclectic and emotional. It makes me think of love, relationship, beauty, sex, and passion. Which is pretty much the same feeling I would get when I would listen to Vespertine or the song “Stonemilker” from Vulnicura. The album Vespertine is personally one of my most favorite collective albums of Björk’s, and in this single, “Blissing Me”, I have gotten the taste again of her emotional diary

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Continue reading “New Artist Inspiration: Björk Releases New Single “Blissing Me””



Special times are always

And too surreal that I want to bite my cheek off

or fall down the stairs

Just to wake myself from this dream.


And while we walk on the side walks

I can see you look at me

And the days are burning our skin.


The suns gets in my eyes

but I can still see yours brighter.Image result for sunlight and sidewalk aesthetic




Having seen your face brought something than another

Over the time and over the days it never got old

Leading and lending the quiet and exchanges of you and me

Left and looked lovelier than life

I knew that meeting you was finding the clean air to breathe

Everything found a place in time

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