-the hand that rocks the cradle-

I am sitting on the floor of my bedroom, one of the most comfortable places in my room, and possibly a playground for spontaneous yoga. This is my first entry, it’s been a while. There were many versions of this post but I have gotten the spark of energy to help me write it out. It has been so long since I’ve written anything here that the new writing editor for this site has gone under maintenance and renovations. I have no idea what I am doing right now.

I will get to the main subject. I want to be back, I need to write again and I want to be creative again. I feel that there are so many terrible things in the world going on (just to mention a few), violence on the peaceful protesting for BLM, the rising cases of COVID-19 and the lack of accessible testing, police violence, racism, sexism, did I mention violence? So it has been a lot for the world. I’ve been doing my part by virtually protesting and donating, educating others, and staying up to date with the news. As for COVID-19, I stay home, I do my daily runs and go to the grocery store + mask protection! I never forget that! But I try to be as cautious as possible.

I think it’s been a mental storm in my head. I would keep in my frustration and then I would be completely vulnerable. I’d take out my frustration on one thing that was bothering me but then it would end up into a rant of a million other things in my mind. So many things bother me, and that’s normal.

But during this time I’ve had very good moments. I had good quality times and long conversations. I had many virtual and real hugs (stay in your bubble). And I have someone always there to help me and to remind me that it’s okay. I feel incredibly lucky.

I missed a lot of opportunities and I’m realizing that I need to find my place again. I need to create content, go outside, take care of my body, talk to people, learn a new skill, PLAN, and ORGANIZE. Many of my days have been exhausting and it seems like I can’t keep up with the world. I don’t want to complain, and I am not complaining. I just need to take action in my life.

I decided to change the website’s host and design of Songbird! Yes, this is a new and big step but I feel that I must make something new of myself and my work. There will be a link in my Instagram bio so you can still have some access to some content that I am trying to work on. Last night I was trying to figure out how to transfer my domain and its a process, also I don’t want to lose the name I’ve had for years. Songbird is a big identifier in my life.

New things are coming up in my personal life. I’m moving out of an apartment that I’ve been living in for about 3 years with 5 other incredible people. I need to find an apartment so I am hunting with 2 other people. I have ideas that I want to work through and my partner and I have been thinking and wondering where I could start. I want to figure an extra source of income that can use my skills. I have new priorities and goals in my life, and I’m not the same anymore.

I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I’ve been active on my personal Instagram and I put stories on the @_hollie_songbird_blog usually the ones relating to BLM and COVID-19 and not any content related. I am so happy to be back again. Let’s not forget what goes on in the world, but let’s start taking care of ourselves too.

I send love,


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